Scientific Society Seminar
Saturday September 28, 2024
Zoom-Link: https://umassboston.zoom.us/j/93139842515
Character Theory and Uncertainty Principles in Signal Recovery
Alfred Gérard Noël
The University of Massachusetts Boston
Abstract: Last year, I spoke at the ISTEAH-CMR colloquium on the ubiquity of
Fourier’s work in Mathematics and Science. As proof, I offered some
applications of Harmonic Analysis and Representation Theory in Physics, Chemistry,
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Digital Image Processing, Multi-object
Tracking, Electronic Surveillance etc. This time, I aim to fulfill one of the
promises I made during that lecture. It will be proven that character theory of
finite Abelian groups gives rigorous meaning to uncertainty principles in
signal recovery. Details are found in D. Donoho and
P. Stark Uncertainty principles in signal recovery, S.I.A.M. J. Appl.
Math. (49) 1989 906-931. However, I shall follow the approach in Audrey Terras’
book: Fourier Analysis on Finite Groups and Applications, London
Mathematical Society Student Texts 43, Cambridge University Press, 2008. The
audience is not assumed to have special or expert knowledge.
Bio: Alfred Noël reads and
teaches Mathematics at The University of Massachusetts Boston where he is
currently Professor and Department Chair. His research publications are mostly in
Representation Theory of Lie Groups. He has published a professional
autobiography “Passages” (JEBCA 2021) and a novel “Insignifiantes
Perforations” (JEBCA, 2023). His treatises on Mathematical Analysis, “Analiz Matematik” Tòm I & II (JEBCA,
2022), invite Haitian educators to seriously consider their mother tongue as a
didactic language in university training. Two more books, “Cours de Géométrie Terminale S
et Propédeutiques” and “Kou Jewometri
Segondè III, IV ak Ane Preparatwa” are soon to be
published by JEBCA. He is also an amateur classical guitarist, a former student
of Gifrants and
of Adam Levin
(University of Rhode Island), studying the works of Frantz Casséus,
those of Amos Coulanges and Gifrants’
“Natif” concept.
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